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Left wing Politico poll show plurality of Hispanics approve of relocating migrants to liberal areas

Even when left wing outfits like Politico try to oversample pro-amnesty communist Democrats, they still fail to get the numbers they wanted. Politico tried to do a poll amongst groups of people to see what they thought about moving migrants from border states to so called “sanctuary cities” like moving Venezuelan migrants to Martha’s Vineyard. Turns out even with the heavy oversampling in the polling, most people are in favor of it, including Hispanic Americans. The Politico poll shows that a plurality of Hispanics approve of relocating migrants to liberal areas. Check out the poll results below, and look how heavily Politico tried to oversample Democrats:

There’s another reason that the media is ignoring why the snotty, arrogant rich white liberals moved to “deport” the Venezuelan migrants so quickly. The come from a communist country, and will likely be conservative voters if they ever attain citizenship. This scares the hell out of so called “sanctuary cities” and snotty rich white liberal elite places.