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Maine Democrats indoctrinating kids with videos about how “MAGA” is “covert racism”

Maine, a snobby, rich north east state (and about 90% white) is indoctrinating school children with videos about how the phrase “MAGA” is “covert racism”. The videos don’t say why “MAGA” is racist, nor do they even mention Trump who are always the target of these crazed, cultist leftists. In Maine, Make America Great Again is “covert racism”. Screw them. Give the state to Canada an give us the province of Alberta.

Did you ever think you’d live long enough to see a time where making your country great would be considered “covert racism”?

The Education Department of Maine’s Democrat Gov. Janet Mills is referring to the slogan “Make America Great Again” (MAGA), as a form of covert racism, according to a new report.

In an instructional webinar video for students and teachers discovered by Breitbart News, a slideshow presentation titled “Racism is a Virus” lists out several terms, phrases, and actions that individuals should associate with racism and white supremacy. In addition to “MAGA,” the phrase made famous by former President Donald Trump and his supporters, the slideshow lists “Calling the police on black people,” “All Lives Matter,” “anti-immigration policies,” “paternalism,” “meritocracy myth,” “colorblindness,” and “Columbus Day” as a few of the examples of racism.

“The video comes as part of a slideshow, or ‘module,’ recommended by the state Education Department’s Maine Online Opportunities for Sustained Education (MOOSE) for high school-aged students,” the Breitbart report reads. “Slide 15 of the module offers resources for students, which include only a few links, two of them being to Black Lives Matter’s and GLAAD’s websites.”

The report later goes on to reveal a separate MOOSE module geared towards high schoolers that includes an instructional video called “Root Cause,” which “teaches about ‘power, privilege, and oppression.’”