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Red Wave! Democrat House seat projection drops six seats to 176 according to Real Clear Politics predictions in two weeks!

Things are going so badly right now for communist Democrats that they are struggling to hold on to deep blue House seats in not only Rhode Island, but Connecticut too! It’s so bad in fact, that Georgia’s second district is now even rated a toss-up. This seat has been Democrat held since 1875. Real Clear Politics has 38 seats rated as toss up with Republicans having 221 and commie Dems only 176. The average gain according to RCP is Republicans +27, but could be as high as 46 seats!

Something is definitely happening. No one gives a shit about abortion except for left wing freaks who would never need one in the first place. Even fewer care about the January 6th clown show. It’s the economy, stupid! Add in crime, child grooming and illegal immigration and it’s bad news for commies.