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Some trans people are preparing to flee the US

The left wing media is trying to gin up sympathy for trans people, because you know the US is so mean and evil to trans people. So much so that left wing Vice is whining that some trans people are preparring the flee the US because of how mean people are. Really? I hope they aren’t headed for somewhere like Iran.

Rynn Azerial Willgohs, a 50-year-old transgender woman, has been rapidly researching ways to flee the United States. She’s from the U.S., but with physical attacks against transgender and nonbinary people on the rise and lawmakers targeting transgender people with increasingly draconian legislation that criminalizes their very existence, Willgohs is worried.

The national landscape, accompanied by some of her own personal experiences, has made a future in the U.S. feel untenable for Willgohs. In March 2021, when Willgohs had just started her transition, she was traveling across the state for work when she decided to stop at a public bathroom. A man followed her inside and pushed her up against a wall. “I thought he was going to choke me to death,” she told VICE News. Today, she mostly feels safe in Fargo, North Dakota, where she lives, but she’s careful in rural areas. And when she leaves the state, she often doesn’t feel safe at all.

Personally, I have nothing against trans people. I don’t agree with it, but don’t care if that’s how someone chooses to live their own life. The only line i draw is when trans people try to convince school aged children to become trans.

Enough with the victimization though. Be whoever you are, and quit whining!