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It’s not just Fetterman… Has anyone seen McConnell or Feinstein lately?

Forget for a second John Fetterman and his disappearance to a mental hospital for over a month now. What about China’s two stooges Mitch McConnell and Diane Feinstein? McConnell fell earlier in the month at the old Trump hotel in Washington D.C. and nothing about his health has been updated since. Diane Feinstein, who is about as coherent as John Fetterman went to the hospital for Shingles and was released from the hospital early in March for treatment “at home” in San Francisco. Yet, there have been no photos, no updates and no softball media interviews for any of them.

So what is up with Fetterman and these two fossils? Are they even still living. Of course I hope they are, but WTF?