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Baltimore NPR airs weekly show with anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan

And your tax dollars pay for this, along with illegal migrants, Ukraine’s Biden money laundering scheme and so much more. I thought NPR was “against” hate? Yet they air a weekly show with someone like Farrakhan? You can’t make this crap up.

What’s next? PBS to give the Ayatollah of Iran a weekly show?

National Public Radio isn’t always a civil space. Sometimes it becomes a platform for what they call “hate speech.” Henry Rodgers at the Daily Caller found that in Baltimore, the “Final Call Radio” show airs every Sunday night on NPR affiliate WEAA 88.9. The program labels itself as “The Official Voice of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan” and plays his speeches that include antisemitic comments.

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) sent a letter to Patricia Harrison, chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and NPR CEO John Lansing asking about the use of taxpayer funds to play Farrakhan’s often-vituperative comments.