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Jewish journalist Emily Austin gets bodyguards after death threats from Hamas sympathizers (in New York)

New York City is home to the largest Jewish population in the world. Yes, even bigger than Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or any city in Israel. Apparently New York City is the home of one of the largest group of Hamas and other terrorist sympathizers too. Well, New York City is loaded with communist Democrats, so they are basically all one in the same. The Democrats are the party of Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Queda, the Taliban and whatever is left of ISIS.

Jewish journalist Emily Austin has been receiving tons of death threats from Hamas lickers in New York and has been forced to hire body guards because of it.

And guess what? Clown mayor Eric Adams is allowing this to happen because he supports the communist Democrats hating Israel and Jews.

Israel activist and journalist Emily Austin says online death and rape threats forced her to invest in a bodyguard in New York City as tensions escalate over the tumult in the Middle East.

“I’d be lying to you if I told you I didn’t get a bodyguard for the next, who knows how long. I got a bodyguard because of my appearances on TV,” she told “FOX & Friends” Monday.

“People are sending me my address. People are sending me rape threats, death threats. At first, I thought, ‘You know what? They’re all in Gaza,’ but they’re not. I looked into these accounts. They are here in New York.”