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Nikki Haley can’t answer if a man can become a woman

Nimrota really doesn’t want to lose her left with donor base, So she didn’t bother answering when questioned if a man can become a woman.

She began:

Now, can a man become a woman? There’s been a lot that’s been talked about when it comes to all of these roles and all of these issues. I strongly believe that we should not allow any gender change surgeries to anyone before the age of 18. Period. We– kids now can’t get a tattoo until they’re 18. We shouldn’t have them permanently change their body until they’re 18. And that includes puberty blockers, that includes any sort of hormones that would do that.

“After the age of 18, we want to make sure people can live any way they want to live. I don’t think government needs to be in control of anybody’s life,” she said. “You go live the way you want to live, you should be free to live the way you want to live, and every– government and everybody else should stay out of your way,” Haley said, refusing to answer the question.

It remains unclear how acknowledging that it is biologically impossible for a man to become a woman — or vice versa — equates to the government controlling someone’s life. But it does open the door to question if Haley supports government-enforced recognition of gender claims.