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Democrat Rep. ‘Dutch’ Ruppersberger lies about Ambassador Chris Stevens – says he died of ‘smoke inhalation’ (Video)

democrat-logoThese Democrats will stop at nothing to try and protect Obama and Hillary Clinton’s image after the 9/11/2012 terrorist attacks that killed four Americans in Libya, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Maybe Maryland Democrat Rep. ‘Dutch’ Ruppersberger is keeping up with  foreign issues about as well as Obama is and missed the part where Chris Stevens was raped, killed, and dragged through the streets of Libya. Or maybe that’s the new Democrat alias for Muslim terrorism. No ‘Dutch’, Stevens didn’t die from smoke inhalation you dirty liar. As usual, Greta Van Susteren didn’t even bother to challenge ‘Dutch’ on his blatant lie.

It also took 12 hours to retrieve the body of Stevens. That’s sure an awful long time for someone who died of smoke inhalation.