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Yet again CBS heavily oversamples Democrats D+6 likely voters (D+13 overall) Obama only up by 3 – Romney by 11% with independents

cbsMitt Romney must be in better shape than I realized. After yesterday’s NBC poll in Ohio with sampling of D+10 to give Obama a lead, cBS comes out with a national poll giving Obama a lead by only three points, within the margin of error. Problem is, CBS oversampled Democrats +6 (35D 29R 36I) for likely voters, and +13 (35D 22R 43I) for registered voters. A lot of people don’t bother looking at the sample size, so they might think this is bad news for Romney, when in fact, it shows Marxist failure in deep crap. 2008’s voter turnout in a wave election year after the financial meltdown was D+7. 2004’s turnout was equal Democrat and Republican, as was the 2010 midterms. With the enthusiasm gap, and Obama’s continued bungling of not only the economy and the middle east crisis, Democrats AT BEST would have a +1 or +2 advantage, and I’m being generous. There’s one big stat in this poll that is the most revealing of all. Independents favor Mitt Romney by 11% at 51% to 40%. If the turnout is anything like a normal year’s turnout, Romney wins in a landslide with these numbers. Obama won independent by 8% in 2008, that’s a whopping 19% turn around!

CBS, ABC, CNN, FOX and NBC can continue to released these bogus, biased, weighted polls, but the fact remain, Obama is toast in November.