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Nashua public schools closed due to terrorist threats

Nashua New Hampshire public schools wll be closed on Monday, December 20th 2015 due to terrorist threats. Like the L.A. school closure there are serious and credible threats that made superintendent decide to close the schools. Welcome to Obama’s fundamental transformation of America.

Nashua public schools closed due to terrorist threats
Nashua public schools closed due to terrorist threats

The media of course is trying to use other words for the Nashua public school closure. They are calling the threats ‘violence’ not Islamic terrorism like it really is.

I would have thought that schools would be closed for the next two weeks anyway for Christmas vacation. Any ‘threats of violence’ aka terroristic threats will give the kids in Nashua an extra day off.

You don’t close down every school in the city if there are just generic threats at one high school against certain individuals. This isn’t generic violence like the media would have you believe. There was a terrorist threat.