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Which Democrat Is Best Suited To Handle Terrorism: NONE

This Reuters poll on which Democrat presidential candidate would be best suited to handle terrorism in America really speaks a lot. Respondents were give four choices. The three Democrats running for president and NONE. Guess which one won? That’s right, NONE got a higher share of the votes in the Reuters poll than Hillary Clinton or the other two clones. Now let’s remember, this is Reuters. About as left wing biased as it gets. I could they couldn’t even rig the poll properly for Hillary.

Which Democrat Is Best Suited To Handle Terrorism: NONE
Which Democrat Is Best Suited To Handle Terrorism: NONE

This poll says more about the Democrat party than that pitiful poor excuse for a debate last night. Bernie Sanders kissed Hillary’s ass, despite all the tough talk over the so called data breach. Just as expected. Would you really trust a Democrat in these times on national security? They had to close all schools in Nashua, New Hampshire tomorrow because of terrorist threats. Of course, not one peep out of these clown Democrats about it.