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#NewYorkValues – Leftists, media still whining, invoke 9-11

Last night at the GOP debate, the topic of New York Values was brought up by Ted Cruz who had been ‘cruzing’ though the debate. Then Donald Trump took the topic of New York Values and basically crushed Ted Cruz invoking 9/11 and how wonderful New York is. Cruz appeared stunned, didn’t really have a comeback at Trump who even got praise from some of the GOP-e hacks who hate him more than Hillary Clinton.

#NewYorkValues – Leftists, media still whining, invoke 9-11

Donald Trump’s explanation of what New York Values meant to him was heartfelt and his invoking of 9/11 was genuine. But 12 hours later, the left wing progressives and media who have doen nothing but bash Trump for anything he says or does is picking up where Trump left off and bashing Ted Cruz. Communist NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio is even demanding Ted Cruz apologize for the New York Values crack. Hopefully, Cruz will tell de Blasio to go fuck himself.