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#NewYorkValues under de Blasio and Bloomberg

So what exactly are New York Values under fascist Michael Bloomberg and current communist Mayor Bill de Blasio? Well, here are a few:

Pizza rat:

Last September, Pizza Rat became famous while trying to carry a slice of pizza in a New York subway station.

Pita Rat:

Pita rat is the latest out of New York showing New York Values. Pita rat or rats were two rats in New York’s Herald Square subway station. We all love pita bread right? So do New York rats.

Hillary Clinton – Senator from New York:
Who shows New York Values perfectly? It’s none other than arrogant, corrupt Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Clinton family now living in New York. Hillary Clinton was elected as Senator for New York in 2000 and re-elected easily in 2006. Rapist Bill Clinton and crook Hillary Clinton are also ‘dead broke’ living in New York, as is Hubbell’s daughter Chelsea.

New York City thugs chant: What do we want, dead cops, when do we want them now.

This was from December of 2014, as Bill de Blasio and the leftist media made all cops out to be the bad people in this country for defending themselves for so called innocent gangster thugs.

Anthony Weiner – serial sexting pervert:
Do I even really need to describe Anthony Weiner here? While in Congress, he was one of the most obnoxious representatives, maybe second only to Alan Grayson. Since resigning in shame over his sexting scandal, Anthony Weiner ran for mayor of New York and got slaughtered in the primary. This was his response the night he lost the primary:

Shitting on cop cars and Occupy Wall Street:

Remember Occupy Wall Street? With the rape tents? That originated in New York too and is a ‘New York Value’. So was shitting on cop cars during it’s hey day. Occupy Wall Street has since graduated into the violent black lives matter movement.

I could go on, but you get the point. Sure, there are some good people in Manhattan, but they are grossly outnumbered. Donald Trump was sincere when invoking 9/11 but leftist and GOP-e hacks who have done nothing but bash Trump and Crush are hypocrites.