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Leftists now consider lab equipment as KKK at Bowling Green

Leftists seem to think lab equipment at Bowling Green University to be a KKK party. That’s a long way from Democrats who formed the group burning crosses on lawns.

Leftists now consider lab equipment as KKK at Bowling Green
Leftists now consider lab equipment as KKK at Bowling Green

Democrats have sure come a long way on the KKK. They were lead in the Senate for decades by a KKK Grand Dragon named Robert Byrd. Now they are calling lab equipment a KKK meeting. What’s next? White hoodies will be considered KKK masks?

All this proves is that progressive liberal Democrats still have a sweet spot for the KKK. The KKK is the Democrat’s baby after-all. They see KKK, racism and hatred in EVERYTHING. Including lab equipment.

Maybe next the left will accuse the lab equipment of being racist, since it’s white and doesn’t have any black lab equipment in the same roon. That doesn’t see
m that far fetched these days now does it?

I really just have to shake my head at these trigger, SJW snowflakes. I know, the election of Donald Trump has been really hard on them. But they are really starting to scare me with their craziness. Triggered snowflakes, like this idiot at Bowling Green claiming the KKK is having a meeting on campus is just the latest example of how liberalism is a mental disorder.

Quick! Someone call Al Sharpton!