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Wapo Anne Applebaum – Stock market rise is like Nazi Germany

It’s come to this from the Washington Post and hack Anne Applebaum. With the Dow Jones finishing above 20,000 for the first time in history today, the Washington Post has an equivalency. The stock market also rose in Nazi Germany all the way up until Stalingrad. Yes, this is the drivel being put out by the anti-Trump left wing biased Washington Post.

Wapo Anne Applebaum – Stock market rise is like Nazi Germany
Wapo Anne Applebaum - Stock market rise is like Nazi Germany

Basically, this means Obama is also a Nazi for artificially inflating the stock market during his eight years of terror. Or is Obama’s stock market rise not like Hitler because that would be racist or something?

Seriously? I understand Democrats are nuts. I mean, calling lab equipment the KKK was bad enough. But now, when the stock go higher, it’s no longer an indication of the economic status of this country. Instead, it’s like Nazi Germany in the run up to Stalingrad.

I assume Anne Applebaum is a Jew based on her name. She should have a lot better judgement than to compare ANYTHING to Nazi Germany. But that’s just now how leftists and those at the Washington Post work. They don’t like something? It’s Nazi or Hitlerian or Russia. Sick can’t leftists like the Washington Post come up with something newer? Maybe compare it to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or something. The Nazi card has been overplayed for decades by Democrats.