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CNN holds fake protest in London after terrorist attack

Not only is CNN fake news, they even use hacks like Becky Anderson to host fake protests against terrorists now! Check out this video captured by Voice of Europe‏ in London. You can see CNN and Becky Anderson actually directing the set up of this fake anti-ISIS protest with a handful of Muslims being used for CNN propaganda. Anderson even calls the terrorists “losers.” You may remember that after the Manchester terrorist attack, Trump called the terrorists losers and CNN spent the next week bashing him for saying this.

CNN holds fake protest in London after terrorist attack
CNN holds fake protest in London after terrorist attack

The White House really needs to revoke the press credentials for CNN. Anyone who still thinks CNN is real news needs to have their heads examined. Their platant liberal bias and Russia conspiracy theories are bad enough. But now they are staging fake protests against ISIS? Becky Anderson is the perfect fit for CNN. I totally understand why they hired her now.

This is the week for CNN: Their New Years Eve host of 10 times poses like an ISIS terrorist with a beheaded Donald Trump. Valerie Jarrett’s daughter writes an article about how it was cool that Bill Maher used the N-Word, then the article suddenly disappeared over night from CNN with no explanation. Iranian human brain eater Reza Aslan deletes a tweet calling the President of the United States a piece of shit and not a word of condemnation from CNN. Now this. Staging fake anti-ISIS protests in the streets of London using Muslims in burkas as propaganda. I think I can safely say, I’ve seen everything.