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CNN Reza Aslan deletes tweet calling Trump piece of shit

CNN has a correspondent named Reza Aslan. His big claim to fame is eating human brains to try and get viewers. Yesterday, during the terrorist attack on the London Bridge, after Trump tweeted about the attack, CNN’s Reza Aslan tweeted that Trump is a piece of shit for calling the London Bridge attack terrorism. Over night, amid the backlash, Iranian Reza Aslan deleted the tweet calling Trump a piece of shit hoping everyone would forget what he did. Here is the now deleted tweet from CNN’s Aslan.

CNN Reza Aslan deletes tweet calling Trump piece of shit
CNN Reza Aslan deletes tweet calling Trump piece of shit

Reza Aslan is just another fine example of what CNN truly is. Aslan also tweeted he hopes “God” (or in his religion Allah) takes out the Walberg family too:

It’s been a very revealing week for CNN. Kathy Griffin poses like an ISIS terrorist and CNN takes 26 hours to fire her. Valerie Jarrett’s daughter writes an article about how it was cool that Bill Maher used the N-Word, then the article suddenly disappeared over night. And now human brain eater Reza Aslan deletes a tweet calling the President of the United States a piece of shit. This is a paid employee of CNN tweeting this. Not some random leftist whack ob.

The tweet gets deleted in the early hours of the morning with Reza Aslan hoping no one will notice. Sorry brain eater, the Internet is forever. Those human brains Reza Aslan ate obviously didn’t make him any smarter.

CNN is, and will always be on the side of the Islamic terrorists. That’s why you saw all those CNN is ISIS signs this weekend. Would make a great slogan for a shirt too.