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Michelle Wolf proved at WHCD the difference between conservative and liberal women

I’ve really got to give obnoxious pig Michelle Wolf credit for her “comedy” routine at the White House Correspondence Dinner last night. She proved everything about liberals that the media tries to hide. She was obnoxious, arrogant, targeted conservative with hardly anything at Democrats and generally not to funny. I’m not upset over Michelle Wolf’s performance last night, I’m actually a little thankful for it.

Michelle Wolf proved at WHCD the difference between conservative and liberal women
Michelle Wolf proved at WHCD the difference between conservative and liberal women

Michelle Wolf proved once again that the difference between conservative and liberal women is that when you criticize them. When you denigrate a conservative woman, it’s a roast. When you criticize a liberal, it’s misogyny. Look at all the liberal media headlines on Wolf’s attacks on Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway:

Now try to imagine any “conservative” comedian going off like this on an Obama female cabinet members like Gina McCarthy, Kathleen Seblius, Janet Napolitano, Sally Jewell or Loretta Lynch. Do you think the media would be calling it a roast if the “conservative” mocked the physical appearance of these homely women? No, they would be yelling misygony at the top of their lungs, they would be calling for a boycott of this comedian’s upcoming appearances and so forth.

This is the difference between liberals and conservatives. Michelle Wolf was a perfect pick by CNN to be the “entertainment” for the WHCD. I’m glad they picked her. She was unfunny, obnoxious and down right disgusting in her routine. It shows just what these so called “journalists” consider as entertainment. It’s also rather ironic though that a fat disgusting pig like Michelle Wolf would have the audacity to mock the physical appearance of other women. Has she taken a look in the mirror lately? It would probably crack.

Again, this proves once again, When you denigrate a conservative woman, it’s a roast. When you criticize a liberal, it’s misogyny. Thank you Michelle Wolf for once again proving my point. I think CNN has found their replacement for Kathy Griffin for their New Years Eve specials. Anderson Cooper and Michelle Wolf.