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North Korea to close nuclear test sites in May

Either Little Rocket man Kim Jong Un is really playing around this time, or he is really scared of Trump taking his fat ass out. North Korea has agreed to close all nuclear test sites sometime in May, which is just a few days away. Of course, no one should trust little Rocket Man, but it sounds good on paper. Trust but verify.

North Korea to close nuclear test sites in May
North Korea to close nuclear test sites in May

There is no way I will trust Little Rocket Man to live up to the promises. Anyone who has paid attention to North Korea since the Clinton regime knows that they always end up pulling the rug from out of the United States with these so called “agreements.” Clinton failed, Bush failed and of course Obama failed to denuclearize North Korea. If Trump is actually successful in denuclearizing North Korea, then he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. Of course he will never get one though.