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Can we finally call all school shooters like Santa Fe terrorists?

Every time there is a school shooting, like today in Santa Fe, Texas, the shooter is hardly mentioned, unless he’s in photos wearing a MAGA hat. We’ve heard just about every gruseome detail about today’s school shooting. Happened in the first period of an art school, the “suspect” has been arrested as well as a person of interest (with no names.) Between 8 to 10 people have been killed and at least 12 others injured. Can we finally call school shooters for what they really are? They are god damn terrorists! I don’t care if they are white, black, Hispanic or Islamic. Santa Fe High School is in Galveston County and is about 35 miles south of Houston.

Can we finally call all school shooters, like Santa Fe terrorists?
Can we finally call all school shooters like Santa Fe terrorists?

As you would expect, the left is already yelling for gun confiscation, even though this shooter didn’t have an AR-15. It’s reported that he had a hand gun and a shot gun (like Joe Biden suggested people buy instead of AR-15.) There are also explosives scattered around the school and off campus, which means this was a planned attack, much like a terrorist attack that was probably in the works for weeks.

How is this different than anything terrorist organizations do? They kill people and want to instill fear in other people. I’d say that’s exactly what today’s school shooting at Santa Fe High School accomplished.

It is rather odd, that this shooting occured more than 3 hours ago, yet still no name of the shooter or the person of interest. Why are they holding this information back?