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Dimitrios Pagourtzis Santa Fe High School shooter

Dimitrios Pagourtzis is the name of the Santa Fe High School shooter in Texas today. At this time there are reports of between eight to ten people dead, including teachers and students. As is typical for Facebook censors, the Facebook page of Dimitrios Pagourtzis was immediately taken offline once the name of the Santa Fe shooter made it to the public. Below, you can find some snap shots of what was on Pagourtzis’ deranged, terrorist mind. Notice the Born to Kill shirt. It also turns out, Dimitrios Pagourtzis the Santa Fe High School shooter was heavy into communism, like Bernie Sanders, AntiFA and most Democrats today. He’s one of yours filthy left wing media.

Dimitrios Pagourtzis Santa Fe High School shooter
Dimitrios Pagourtzis Santa Fe High School shooter

The left created Santa Fe High School shooter Dimitrios Pagourtzis. The blood is dripping from their hands.