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Disney-ABC stock tanks after cancelling Roseanne show

Market forces will likely make Disney-ABC pay for their knee-jerk reaction to cancelling the Roseanne show, yet letting Joy Behar and The View or Jimmy Kimmel in blackface mocking a black Republican continue to pollute their airwaves. Shortly after announcing the cancellation of the Roseanne show, Disney-ABC stock tanked 2.5%. Disney and ABC with their hollier than thou attitude will have to answer to shareholders who will see the value of their Disney-ABC tank further because of not only lost revenue, but pissed off Americans who will boycott the channel and sponsors. Hey, at least ABC still has the NFL and Keith Olbermann though. LOL. You’ve got to love the irony here. Walt Disney, a known Nazi who had pro-Nazi cartoons in the 1930’s now has a company that lectures Americans and what’s racist and what’s not. Funny how that worked out.

Disney-ABC stock tanks after cancelling Roseanne show
Disney-ABC stock tanks after cancelling Roseanne show