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Trey Gowdy – the deep state stooge defends FBI spying on Trump

After Trey Gowdy botched the whole Benghazi thing with Hillary Clinton in 2012, it became painfully obvious that Gowdy was all steak and no sizzle. Last night on Fox News, he revealed himself to be a stooge of the deep state, defending Obama’s illegal spying on the Trump campaign. Gowdy is gone after his term in Congress expires at the end of the year. He wouldn’t be missed.

Trey Gowdy – the deep state stooge defends FBI spying on Trump
Trey Gowdy - the deep state stooge defends FBI spying on Trump

House Oversight & Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy said the FBI is “doing what [Trump] told them to do.”

Gowdy said the real source of Trump’s frustrations, as aired on Twitter, is not the FBI but Democrats and Obama White House officials who have blasted him over the Russia probe on a regular basis.

“The FBI is doing what he told them to do,” he said in regard to an alleged “spy” being placed in his campaign by the bureau.

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump,” Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, said.

“It was Trump himself who said, ‘I didn’t collude with Russia but if anyone did, I want the FBI to find that out,'” Gowdy said.