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Texas Democrat admits Obama regime covered up the child migrant crisis

Ah, “scandal free” Obama. He covered up at the child migrant crisis on the southern border for all eight years during his reign of terror. He kept illegal aliens in cages, yet the media didn’t care, didn’t cover and Obama was able to cover up this scandal that now has the attention of the corrupt media. But Texas Democrat and amnesty advocate Henry Cuellar admitted today that Obama covered up the scandal. The rest of the media will of course ignore this.

Texas Democrat admits Obama regime covered up the child migrant crisis
Texas Democrat admits Obama regime covered up the child migrant crisis

“It was kept very quiet under the Obama Administration. There were large numbers of people coming in. The Obama administration was trying to keep this quiet,” Cuellar told CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield.

Whitfield displayed a 2014 image of migrant children held in cages at a detention center, and Cuellar said that he released similar photos of children separated from their parents.

Cuellar added that the number of children being held at the border right now is similar to the amount during the Obama administration.

“We still see the numbers,” he said, adding that “not all of them are being separated. Some of them are coming alone.”

“Keep in mind that under the law, you can separate a child if that person, the adult, is not the real parent or the custodian because sometimes we see situations where they’ll bring a child because they know of the policy that we have over here with children.”

Cuellar scrutinized the zero-tolerance policy for separation, suggesting criminal adult immigrants have previously taken advantage of it.