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Illegal alien kid shelters resemble summer camp despite media claims

i don’t know what’s more frustrating. The lying corrupt media and Democrat making these illegal alien kids being “separated from their parents” as victims or seeing all the homeless veterans camping out on the streets while illegal aliens like these at “Casa Diego” in California get threaten to meals, big screen TVs, clothing, medical care and education. Basically, the magnet to attract more of these illegal aliens and their kids still exist when they get to go to places like “Casa Diego” as homeless veterans continuing starving and living on the street.

Illegal alien kid shelters resemble summer camp despite media claims
Illegal alien kid shelters resemble summer camp despite media claims

These are the “concentration camps” liberal media hacks keep whining about? These are the cages that Obama put illegal aliens in back in 2014? Enough is enough of funding this shit. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump may talk big when it comes to illegal aliens, but it looks to me like they are living a lot better off the US tax payer now then they did under Obama when he had them in cages.