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Andrew Cuomo: America was never great VIDEO

And once again, the mask slips off another mainstream Democrat. Andrew Cuomo, communist Democrat governor of New York and brother of CNN fake news hack Chris Cuomo stated what Democrats always think but usually aren’t foolish enough to say out loud. According to Cuomo, he isn’t going to “Make America Great Again” because America was never great in the first place.

Communist Cuomo made his anti-America remarks during a bill signing in the cesspool known as Albany. Of course, the adoring progressive filth that voted for this idiot in the first place cheered Cuomo’s remarks.

Andrew Cuomo: America was never great VIDEO
Andrew Cuomo: America was never great VIDEO

I’ll give Andrew Cuomo some credit here. Unlike other American hating Democrats, at least he had the balls to say what other Democrats believe, but wouldn’t say (other than Obama.)

I’m sure the fake news CNN brother of Andrew Cuomo would agree with what was said. I doubt though he’d have to balls to say anything about it on CNN’s airwaves though.