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CNN Angela Rye: Cuomo is right, America was never great

The mask slipped off Andrew Cuomo yesterday when he “boldly” proclaimed that America was never great. Now it looks like progressives and media hacks are starting to get the courage to say the same thing. CNN racist Angela Rye agreed with Cuomo that America was never great, then proceeded to roll her eyes and bash Gina Loudon’s adopted, down syndrome minority son. This is CNN.

CNN Angela Rye: Cuomo is right, America was never great
CNN Angela Rye: Cuomo is right, America was never great

This is the type of “contributor” CNN pays the big bucks for. Mocking a woman’s down syndrome child, regardless of skin color is beyond pathetic. Unfortunately, this is what the media and the left has become. They hate Trump so much that they don’t care who they smear.

I’d say Angela Rye should be ashamed of herself, but why bother? This is the twenty first century version of the progressive Democrats and media all rolled into one disgusting bigot. They aren’t going to change.