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Ann Coulter jumps on the Bernie Sanders communist bandwagon, bashes Trump

I guess Ann Coulter’s book sales are sagging these days. Apparently she’s now a Bernie Sanders fan and uses the communist to bash Trump. I was never a fan of Ann Coulter, though I tended to agree with her about immigration. She really is just a cheap political whore after all. Maybe if Creepy Joe Biden jumps in the race to grab more kids, she can cheerlead for him too. You can have her Democrats, she’s all yours.

Ann Coulter jumps on the Bernie Sanders communist bandwagon, bashes Trump
Ann Coulter jumps on the Bernie Sanders communist bandwagon, bashes Trump

I guess Coulter’s pal Bill Maher has been more influential with this hack than was originally realized. Too bad. The good things is, I don’t have to waste my money on any future books she releases.