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Trump should nominate Kris Kobach to replace Nielsen

Now that the disaster of Kirstjen Nielsen (yet another John Kelly failure) is finally over, it’s time for Trump to quit playing around and bring in someone to handle the illegal alien invasion of southern border. It’s time for Trump to nominate Kris Kobach to replace the hack that was Kirstjen Nielsen. Kris Kobach doesn’t play around when it comes to the border. He’s not a John Kelly type of Republican who caters to big business for cheap illegal alien labor. Either Trump is going to get serious about getting the illegal alien problem under control, or he’s toast in 2020. Kris Kobach would be an ideal fit.

Trump should nominate Kris Kobach to replace Nielsen
Trump should nominate Kris Kobach to replace Nielsen

Joe Arpaio would have been good, but he’s far too old at this point. Who better to take care of the illegal alien invasion at the southern border than Kris Kobach? I don’t think that Trump could do any worse than Kirstjen Nielsen no matter who he picks. But if Trump is truly serious about taking care of the illegal alien problem, Kobach is the one he should pick.