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Another Biden racist gaffe: not all black kids in hoodies are gangbangers

So now Joe Biden thinks that black kids are gangbangers in hoodies? Dude just can’t help himself as the Democrat racism flows throughout him and his party. Best friends with segregationist Democrats, Biden made his comments while pandering for black votes at race hustler Jesse Jackson’s event in Chicago. Joe Biden is a complete and utter train wreck. Joe Biden is the Democrat’s “best chance” to beat Trump? Really? If that is really the case as the so called “experts” claim then Trump wins 35-40 states if Biden is the Democrat nominee. I guess we know who his running mate would be, none other than “Coonman” himself Ralph Northam of Virginia.

Another Biden racist gaffe: not all kids in hoodies are gangbangers
Another Biden racist gaffe: not all kids in hoodies are gangbangers

Guess what Joey? Not all black kids wear hoodies. Every race wears them and not only “gangbangers” wear them either, black, brown or white. Joe Biden is a complete failure. He was never a good debater or policy maker. He rode Obama’s coattails for eight years and now you are seeing why Obama never endorsed him.