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Even the Biden cheerleaders at CNN say campaign in turmoil

So I guess it’s safe to say Joe Biden really sucked in last night’s second Democrat clown car debate. He looked at times like Jeb Bush, with low energy. The only time he showed anything was when he yelled and screamed at both Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg for calling out his palling around with segregationist Democrats. There was one moment though when Joe Biden was actually truth. When trying to wiggle out of the Kamala Harris destruction he said “My time is up.” I couldn’t agree more with Joe Biden.

Even the Biden cheerleaders at CNN say campaign in turmoil
Even the Biden cheerleaders at CNN say campaign in turmoil

Even the Biden cheerleaders at CNN couldn’t’ hide the disaster that was Biden’s debate performance last night:

Joe Biden stumbled into a potential campaign-defining moment Thursday that pitched his effort to win the Democratic nomination onto suddenly shaky ground.

Reeling from an attack by a much younger rival, Kamala Harris, the 76-year-old delivered an unfortunate soundbite at the Democratic debate that threatens to symbolize his biggest political liability.
“My time is up,” he said, meaning to cut short one of his own answers but instead drawing attention to a question that haunts his campaign: Has his generation’s time come and gone?
Harris’ assault was breathtaking, appeared planned ahead of time and exposed a willingness to attack she had not previously shown in a campaign that started strong but has slumbered ever since.
The immediate impressions left after a debate are often not how things appear a few days later. So it may be that Biden’s bad night does not end up being as damaging as it first appeared.