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Kareem Farid of CNN: I love you Hitler! I used to burn the Jews

Kareem Faris, yet another CNN anti-Semite has been outed today of having several year long ago tweets disparaging Jews and even saying “I love you Hitler!”. This one is Kareem, a CNN contributor and his tweets are from 2012, and written in Arabic. They were easily translated though with Google translate.

Forget CNN for a second. We know they are the network of the anti-Semitic left, but what about Twitter and their so called “Terms and conditions?” I guess that doofus Jack Dorsey is perfectly fine with anti-Semitism on his platform. But if you dare speak about conservative thought, it’s ban time for you.

Kareem Farid of CNN: I love you Hitler! I used to burn the Jews
Kareem Farid of CNN: I love you Hitler! I used to burn the Jews

Of course by now, Farid has deleted his anti-Semitic tweets. But screenshots are forever, and CNN has a Nazi problem. Isn’t it funny how they are the ones who call Trump and his supporters the Nazis?