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Watch: Fox News Geraldo Rivera compares Kamala Harris to Jesus

There are too many reasons for me to list why I don’t watch Fox News anymore. A lot of people got fed up on election night 2020, but for me it goes on even before that election. Fox News, the neocon Murdoch network has basically become unwatchable over the past few years. Their pro-George Bush, anti-Trump “news” was just one example. And then you have clowns like Geraldo Rivera who keep getting air time for some reason, even though no one can stand him. Rivera is worse than Juan Williams (another clown) in so many ways. Like today for instance, Geraldo Rivera tried desperately to talk up the disaster that is Kamala Harris. He even compared her to Jesus Christ if you can believe it. Watch:

I will say this. Kamala Harris is better than Geraldo Rivera. But so are dried up Biden droppings.