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How Democrats, media and Big Tech worked together to bury the Hunter Biden story

Remember how the corrupt media and Democrats all claimed that the Russians hacked the 2016 election? That was complete and utter BS. Then in 2020, just days before the election, the New York Post dropped the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. E-mails and pictures from the laptop showed plenty of corruption and even in some cases of young people posing in compromising positions. Hunter Biden is a sick individual, but he’s also shrewd. He knew he could use his father to make millions of dollars from foreign countries and he did just that. The media banned the story, calling it Russia “disinformation”, big tech censored it and it swung the election. Problem is a year and a half later, even the corrupt New York Times had to admit the Hunter Biden laptop from hell was legit, and not Russian disinformation. Of course. no one in the media has apologized for lying or censoring this story. This is another perfect example as to why you should NOT believe everything you hear from the media about Russia-Ukraine either.

Everlasting, undying, soul-rending shame be upon you, Facebook and Twitter and Politico and all the others who covered up, denied and suppressed this newspaper’s true and accurate reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020. You should be hurling yourselves at the feet of the American people, begging forgiveness. You should be renting billboards saying, “WE LIED.”

But most importantly, you should be hauled before Congress to answer humiliating questions.

These and other information purveyors owe us — not just this paper, but this country — restitution for what now looks like the most egregious and willful fake-news scam of our time. This paper’s scoops on Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020 were labeled “Russian misinformation” (Politico), a “hoax” (Steven Brill of “fact-check” site NewsGuard), discredited by “many, many red flags” (NPR) and a “hack and leak” operation that had to be throttled (Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg).